As of today, Mutter will style legacy titlebars (i.e. of X11 / Xwayland apps that don’t use client-side decorations) using Adwaita on GNOME.

Picture of VLC and Accerciser with a fancier, Adwaita-styled titlebar

Shadows match the Adwaita style as well, including shadows of unfocused windows. These titlebars continue to follow the system dark and light mode, even when apps don’t.

Should make using legacy apps a little less unpleasant 🙂

5 responses to “Fancy Titlebars”

  1. World would be a great place to live if everyone just used CSD!

    In the meanwhile we have to live with this one. Thanks!

    1. If those legacy apps used CSD, a change like this wouldn’t have been possible.

      If they used CSD, title bars of a lot of legacy apps would look like Gnome 2, and their drop shadows too, and there was nothing we could do about this.

      1. I think what Ondrej means is that if the apps in question used CSD that were actually integrated with the design of their windows, we’d avoid title bars that clash stylistically with both the system *and* the apps themselves 🙂

        1. That’s true. But although CSD enables developers to integrate title bars with the app UI, an app using CSD doesn’t mean that decorations are actually integrated with the design of the app, and especially not that designers and developers do a good job integrating them with the design of the app.

          If developers who don’t care about CSD are forced to use CSD (e. g. because the platform doesn’t support anything else), you can be pretty sure that the decorations will neither be integrated well with the app nor with the system.

  2. Oh this is a very welcome upgrade!

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