Author: Georges Stavracas
Release Party in São Paulo, Brazil
(English version after the Portuguese one) Fala galera, tudo bem? Teremos uma pequena festa de lançamento do GNOME 3.26 + 20 anos do GNOME em São Paulo. É uma celebração da comunidade para a comunidade, organizada pela comunidade. Graças ao nosso querido colega Derek Stavis, temos um excelente local para realizar a celebração – marquem…
Introducing Settings (or, the new Control Center)
Greetings my friends, if you’re following the GNOME development closely, you’re now more than aware of this movement of reworking GNOME Control Center. It was a remarkably colossal work, specially because we used a bottom-up approach: fix the panels, then switch to the new shell. With the release of GNOME 3.25.91, I’m proud to say:…
GUADEC + Unconferences | 2017
This year’s GUADEC was amazing. I’m really happy I could attent it this year (even though my tasks are accumulating and I’m really afraid to look at my emails again…). I’m still in Manchester so, if anyone wants to meet me and buy me a tea, do get in touch! There were quite a few…
Ready, set…
As I’m writing, this is what I see: That’s right: I’m going to GUADEC. And you should go too. Registration is still open. And all of this is only possible due to the GNOME Foundation’s sponsorship, and my employer Endless, who is a strong partner of the GNOME community! I’ll work hard to use my…
Say hello to the new Wi-Fi panel
Hello my GNOME friends 🙂 Y’all know that we’re taking big steps to move Settings (a.k.a Control Center) to a brand-new, super shiny layout. As a courtesy of our beloved designer, Allan Day, we have mockups of a new Settings layout that is both modern and preserves (most of) the functionality we already have. He…
Improving productivity with GNOME Builder
Hello community, as you can guess, I’m a heavy user of GNOME Builder. I use it every day to build various things, most of which you guys know of already 🙂 Because I spend so much time on it, it is essential that Builder simply Just Works ®, and perfectly. Builder sometimes shows a rough…