Category: Sem categoria

  • I’m joining Endless

    Some of you may have asked why I’m so silent for the last 3 weeks. Well, the titles pretty much explain things: between university duties, moving to a new house and conducting my research, I’m also joining Endless! I’m ridiculously happy with this opportunity, and Endless folks were extremely respectful of my schedule – I’m…

  • GSoC: report #3

    During the last couple of week, the following points were achieved: The list of recently connected servers is now correctly saved. Initial work on keyboard support. Some real research on how Nautilus will handle the new mocups. Fortunately, my graduation is now totally finished. I was also accepted in the Mastering Course in Information Systems…

  • A picture is worth a thousand words…

    And a video is worth a thousand pictures. For those who are not aware, this is the project I’m working as part of my Google Summer of Code. The purpose of this new widget is to manage fixed volumes (like your partitions) and networks. When the set of patches for Gtk+ is complete, I’ll focus…

  • Let’s start

    So here it is: another development blog on the web. Let’s be fair and realize that there are plenty of development blogs out there in the wild. So, why I’m doing it – again? Well, I do many many things. Things that I really like. And I feel it is time to share these things.…